Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Idea

The Marathon was a huge milestone for me and recently I ran my first Ultra at el Scorcho Cu4tro, the next step in my head was to find a point to point ultra with some significance to my life. I stopped looking when the idea occurred to me that Ft. Worth and Dallas are a very runnable distance apart from one another. The prototype route has been drawn, all we need now are a few adventurous running teams to attack and critique this embryonic project.

Could you help found this race?

We need teams of at least two members to run or bike the entire nearly fifty mile course from Dallas to Fort Worth, preferably with a camera, to make critical notes of the course and help build a legendary event for the metroplex.

The official exploratory run is shaping-up for March of 2011.

Leave me a message, let's do this thing.